First, a tiny bit of housekeeping. It would seem that the majority of my website was offline for a month… that’s annoying isn’t it. It’s fixed now, clearly, but apologies if during that time you tried to get in touch – I usually get a few emails via the website per month so if you visited and everything was dead then I can only apologise and say I wasn’t best pleased about it either.
Right, enough of that. Iceland then.

Deciding to go to Iceland was a product of the self-dubbed tagline of the year, ‘fuck it, why not’. It hasn’t been a pleasant couple of years, aside from the pandemic and the general state of the world – and that’s a BIG aside – I’ve had some physical health issues that have made everything a bit of an extra struggle and required a lot of bouncing about from appointment to appointment in an already stretched NHS.

Anyway, avoiding getting bogged down in that, it isn’t like everything magically got better in Iceland but I did start to feel a bit more like myself for the first time in ages.

I love going to new places and I know that it’s a massive privilege to be able to do that and I’m grateful to have visited some beautiful countries. I’m afraid Iceland suffered much the same fate as Switzerland for me in that it was SO gorgeous and we did SO much that it was all a bit of a lovely blur until we got home and could process it.

Being a photographer helps with that a lot. Through editing the photos, I get to re-live all of these places again and I feel like I get more mileage out of it all, if that makes sense.

As stunning as Iceland’s landscape is – and we fully intend to go back one day and do it properly, by car (when we win the Lottery(!)) – one of my favourite days was actually just exploring Reykjavik, particularly down by the harbours.

I love harbours, particularly ones that are a mixture of bright colours and grunge.
There was plenty of both to be had in Reykjavik generally, and I made sure to keep my camera out so that I’d take pictures and look for opportunities.

The days were very full, up early and out late but even though I was thoroughly knackered, I wanted to get some night-time shots. Not an easy thing when it doesn’t get dark until after 10pm!

You might noticed that Hallgrímskirkja is missing from my shots. I did get some, including at night but I just haven’t got around to editing them yet. It is a very impressive church though and the view from the tower at the top is absolutely worth doing if you visit.
I’ve not said all that much in depth about Iceland, I’m not a travel blogger really and this is always more of a journal-like outlet for me. It’s a nice excuse to group some photos together and share them, and to write something that hasn’t been commissioned. Where I can say fuck if I want. Sorry.
(I’m not sorry).
Love! Have you seen the 2018 movie Woman at War? It’s one of my favourites.
Ooh no I haven’t but will look out for it now!
Beautiful photos! I particularly love the one of the geyser. Iceland has been on my bucket list for way too long so I am super jealous 🙂
Thank you! It was amazing, absolutely worth a visit. Soooooooooo bloomin’ expensive though